Very Short Answer Questions
1. What does the presence of coliform bacteria in water indicate?
2. What are coliform bacteria?
3. Which areas on earth are considered as ‘biodiversity hot spots’?
4. Name two measurable factors that are used to quantify pollution and the quality of water.
5. Name a renewable and a non renewable resource.
6. Name some industries based on forest produce.
7. What are kulhs?
8. Name two traditional water harvesting systems.
9. What are khadins?
10. Name a green house gas.
11. Name the toxic gases released on combustion of coal and petroleum.
Short Answer Questions
1. Define the following terms:
a) Natural Resource
b) Water Harvesting
c) Sustainable Management
d) Recycling
2. How does sustainable development help us to take environment friendly decisions?
3. Why protection of biodiversity is considered important?
4. How is water pollution measured?
5. Mention any one change that you will make in your habit to become more environment friendly.
6. What is the main aim of conservation?
7. Different groups of people depend on forests in many ways. Discuss.
8. What are the harmful effects of deforestation?
9. How does mining cause pollution?
10. What is water shed management?
11. What is the major cause of energy crisis?
Short Answer Questions
1. What are the disadvantages of continued use of coal and petroleum as fuels?
2. Discuss the relationship between efficiency of our machines and the environment.
3. Discuss the relationship between efficiency of our machines and use of coal and petroleum.
4. What can you do as a student for judicious management of natural resources?
5. What are the factors that govern implementation of Sustainable development?
6. Why do we need to use our resources carefully?
7. How is biodiversity connected to ecological stability?
8. Discuss the contribution of Amrita Devi Bishnoi in conservation of forests.
9. Prejudice against traditional use of forest areas may, at times, be harmful to the environment. Explain giving an example.
10. Explain the three main functions of forests.
11. What are the advantages of storing water as ground water?
12. How are coal and petroleum formed?
13. What is the composition of coal and petroleum? (relate it to bio mass)
14. Write a short note on Natural Resource Management.
Long Answer Questions
1. Following the 3Rs can help us to save the environment. Discuss.
2. Many environmental problems are connected with exploitation of resources. Discuss this statement giving two examples.
3. Participation of local people can lead to efficient management of resources. Explain this in context of the ‘Chipko Movement’?
4. Explain, with an example, people’s participation in management of forests.
5. Mention the various stakeholders in the forest. Explain the role of each.
6. Quality and quantity of ground water are a cause of concern in today’s world. Explain.
7. Discuss the social , economic and environmental problems related to dams.
8. What are the advantages of water shed management?
9. List the advantages and disadvantages of dams.
10. Explain the structure of water harvesting system in a largely level terrain.
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